A (photographic) Collection of Curators Heads

Performance/Photograph, 2005


Part of Collecting Time, the Living and the Dead.

Conversations were had and complicated strategies were embarked on with galleries and museums re. the (im)possibility of temporarily collecting the work/life/performance etc. This process was then reversed and resolved by the economic action of collecting the curator’s heads.

Collection of Curators Heads 2005/7 (with their then titles/positions)

David Allen, Projects Manager CGPLondon
Bergit Arends, Art and Science Curator, Natural History Museum, London
Joseph Backstein, Director of The Moscow Biennale and The Institute of Contemporary Art Moscow
Jane Knowles, Exhibitions officer, Horniman Museum
Kit Hammonds, Curator, South London Gallery
Paul O’Kane, Independent Artist/Writer
Bisi Silva, Director of CCA Lagos
Bada Song, Independent Artist/ Curator
Lil Sullivan from The Morley Gallery/Collection London
Jeannette Ward, Marketing and Communication
Manager, South London Gallery
Mark Wilsher, Arts Programmer Camberwell College of Arts


Photgraphy: Tery Watts
Thanks to Kit Hammonds


House: from display to BACK to FRONT
KT press, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-9536541-4-7
KT press, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-9536541-5-4

Related Artworks

House: From Display to BACK to FRONT, 2012
Display, 2001
Still Live, 2003
BACK to FRONT, 2011
Collecting Time: the Living and the Dead, 2005
Display, 2001
4th project, 2006
